Peace and Justice Works
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_Contact Us_

Peace and Justice Works

promoting nonviolent conflict resolution on local, national and international levels since 1992 in Portland, Oregon

See our wish list (at the Portland Copwatch website)
Check out our Items for Sale! (November 2012->)

Sign up for the Peace and Justice Works email list by going to:
NOTE: email list info updated 6/15

Current and Upcoming Events

Check out info on Emergency rallies in case of US bombings.

[Syria 10 Years Later flyer]
Friday, September 27, 2024
5:00 PM
"Why is Oregon's National Guard Headed to Syria
10 Years into the US War?"

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland

Friday Rally for Peace and Justice

More infoFlyerFact sheet
Keep Oregon's Guard Home 2024

On August 22, 2024 eleven (later joined by another six) Oregon-based groups sent a letter to Governor Tina Kotek, asking her not to deploy National Guard troops to undeclared war zones, shortly after the news announced that guard members were on the way to Iraq and Syria.

Read more about the ongoing Troops Home Campaign.

Saturday, July 20, 2024, 12 noon-2:30 PM
Peace and Justice Works Summer Quarterly Meeting

Casual conversation 12-12:30, meeting 12:30-2:30
You don't have to be a member to attend the quarterly meetings!
NOTE: This meeting will be held by conference call;
  please contact us for call info.
[Hiroshima 2024 art]
Tuesday, August 6, 2023 6:00 PM
End Nuclear Madness
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki 2024

Japanese American Historical Plaza in Waterfront Park
NW Naito Parkway & Couch Street
Live event, visit Oregon PSR's website for more info
The Iraq Affinity Group is a cosponsor of this event.
Download a flyer
[N Ghazi flyer]

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 5:00 PM PDT
The U.S. Invasion of Iraq:
Intended or Unintended Consequences?

an evening with peace activist Noor Ghazi
live stream at
More infoFlyer

[ukraine statement 5/23]

PJW Iraq Affinity Group Statement on
the War in Ukraine
May 17, 2024 (updated from May 20, 2022/May 19, 2023)

[Iraq 21 Years Later flyer]
Friday, March 22, 2024 5:00 - 6:00 PM
"Remembering the Relentless Bombing
of Iraq Since 2003

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland
Friday Rally for Peace and Justice

More infoFlyer Fact Sheet
Sunday, February 25, 2024, 12 noon-2:30 PM
Peace and Justice Works 32nd Annual Meeting

Casual conversation 12-12:30, meeting 12:30-2:30
NOTE: This meeting will be held by conference call;
  please contact us for call info.
[Guantanamo 22 Years Later flyer]
Friday, January 12, 2024
4:30-6:00 PM
"Guantanamo: 22 Years of Imprisonment without End...
for 30 People"

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland

Expanded Friday Rally for Peace and Justice (note early start time)

More infoFlyerFact sheet


Saturday, November 18, 2023, 12 noon-2:30 PM
Peace and Justice Works Fall Quarterly Meeting

Casual conversation 12-12:30, meeting 12:30-2:30
You don't have to be a member to attend the quarterly meetings!
NOTE: This meeting will be held by conference call;
  please contact us for call info.
Click here for information on Yvonne Simmons' Memorial
(Saturday, October 14, 2023 1-3 PM)

Afghanistan 22 Years Later flyer]
Friday, September 29, 2023 5:00 - 6:00 PM
"U.S. Bombs and Troops Still in Syria, Nine Years Later...
After 22 Years, USA Mostly Gone from Afghanistan "

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland
Friday Rally for Peace and Justice

More info Flyer Fact Sheet
[Hiroshima 2023 art]
Wednesday, August 9, 2023 6:00 PM
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki
90 Seconds to Midnight: No More Nuclear War

Japanese American Historical Plaza in Waterfront Park
NW Naito Parkway & Couch Street
Live event, visit Oregon PSR's website for more info
The Iraq Affinity Group is a cosponsor of this event.
Keep Oregon's Guard Home 2023

On August 3, 2023 fifteen (later joined by another two) Oregon-based groups sent a letter to Governor Tina Kotek, asking her not to deploy National Guard troops to undeclared war zones, calling attention to the then-upcoming anniversaries of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Read more about the ongoing Troops Home Campaign.

[N Solomon flyer]

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 7:00 PM PDT
The Hidden Human Toll of Iraq and Other US Wars
an evening with Normal Solomon
live stream at
More infoFlyerWatch the video!

Sunday, February 26, 2023, 12 noon-2:30 PM
Peace and Justice Works 31st Annual Meeting

Casual conversation 12-12:30, meeting 12:30-2:30
NOTE: This meeting will be held by conference call;
  please contact us for call info.
[Iraq 20 Years Later flyer]
Friday, March 17, 2023 5:00 - 6:00 PM
"20 Years Later, the US is Still in Iraq
End the F-35 Fighter Jet Program"

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland
Friday Rally for Peace and Justice

More infoFlyer Fact Sheet
[Guantanamo 21 Years Later flyer]
Friday, January 13, 2023 4:30 - 6:00 PM
"30+ People, 21 Years and
Many Human Rights Violations in Guantanamo"

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland
Expanded Friday Rally for Peace and Justice (note early start time)

More infoFlyer Fact Sheet


Sunday, November 20, 2022, 12 noon-2:15 PM
Peace and Justice Works Fall Quarterly Meeting

Casual conversation 12-12:30, meeting 12:30-2:15
You don't have to be a member to attend the quarterly meetings!
NOTE: This meeting will be held by conference call;
  please contact us for call info.
[Yvonne at rally]
Sunday, September 25, 2022 12:00 noon (Pacific time)
Virtual memorial for Yvonne Simmons (1946-2022)

Join in with others who knew Yvonne, a co-founder of Peace and Justice Works, to remember her amazing life. For Zoom connection information (including phone-in number) click here or contact PJW at
Click here for details about the memorial
Watch the video of the memorial (two half-hour shows).
[Afghanistan 21 years later flyer]
Friday, October 7, 2022 5:00 PM
Send Aid, Not Bombs
End the US Wars in Afghanistan and Syria

Rally and March
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland

More infoFlyer Fact Sheet
2022 Oregon Governor Candidate Question on Terrorism Task Force
Four organizations sent a question to the fall 2022 candidates for Governor
and Oregon's political parties about removing the Oregon State Police
from the Joint Terorism Task Force.
To see the results to to:
Sunday, July 24, 2022, 12 noon-2:15 PM
Peace and Justice Works Summer Quarterly Meeting

Casual conversation 12-12:30, meeting 12:30-2:15
You don't have to be a member to attend the quarterly meetings!
NOTE: This meeting will be held by conference call;
  please contact us for call info.
[Hiroshima 2022 art]
Monday, August 8, 2022 6:00 PM
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
Building Toward Nuclear Justice

Live event with livestream available, visit Oregon PSR's website for more info
The Iraq Affinity Group is a cosponsor of this event.
Download a flyer
[FFVC logo]
Flying Focus Video Collective

joined Peace and Justice Works as a Project Group
on July 1, 2022!
Flying Focus brings 30+ years of video as a tool for social change
and over 1000 programs on war and peace, human rights, environmental justice and more!
[Ann Wright flyer]

Monday, June 20, 2022 7:00 PM PDT
The US and NATO's "Pivot to Asia" and Other Threats to Peace
an evening with Col. Ann Wright (ret.)
live stream at
More infoFlyerWatch the video!

Oregon Governor Candidate Peace Issues Questionnaire
May 2022

Peace and Justice Works and five partner organizations in Oregon received eight responses to a four-question survey
issued to 36 candidates for governor.
More infoResponses
[Iraq 19 years later flyer]
Friday, March 18, 2022 5:00 PM
Remembering the Devastating
US Invasion of Iraq 19 Years Later

SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland

More infoFlyer Fact Sheet
[Guantanamo 20 Years Later flyer]
Friday, January 7, 2022 4:30 - 6:00 PM
20 Years Into the "War On Terror,"
It's Way Past Time to Close Guantanamo

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland
Expanded Friday Rally for Peace and Justice (note early start time)

More infoFlyer Fact Sheet
Sunday, February 13, 2022, 12 noon-2:15 PM
Peace and Justice Works 30th Annual Meeting

Casual conversation 12-12:30, meeting 12:30-2:15
NOTE: This meeting will be held by conference call;
  please contact us for call info.


[Friday Rally 20 Years Later flyer]
Friday, November 5, 2021 5:00 - 6 PM
20 Years Protesting for Peace and Justice

Rally and march marking 20 years of the Friday Rally!
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland

Keep Oregon's Guard Home 2021

On November 5, 2021, about a week before Armistice Day (Veterans Day),
11 Oregon-based organizations looking at the US withdrawal from Afghanistan
sent a letter to Governor Brown urging her to keep Oregon's Guard home.

Read more about the ongoing Troops Home Campaign.

Sunday, November 14, 2021, 12 noon-2:15 PM
Peace and Justice Works Fall Quarterly Meeting

Casual conversation 12-12:30, meeting 12:30-2:15
You don't have to be a member to attend the quarterly meetings!
NOTE: This meeting will be held by conference call;
  please contact us for call info.
[Afghanistan 20 Years Later flyer]
Friday, October 8, 2021 5:00 - 6 PM
20 Years Later, the Afghan War is Not Really Over

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland
Friday Rally for Peace and Justice

More infoFlyer Fact Sheet
[David Swanson flyer]

Thursday, June 24, 2021 7:00 PM PDT
Guided Missiles, Misguided Policies, and Changing Direction
an evening with David Swanson

live stream at
More infoColor FlyerB&W Flyer Promo Video

[Mission Accomplished? flyer]
Friday, April 30, 2021 5:00 - 6:00 PM
"Mission Accomplished?"
Iraq, Afghanistan, Al Qaeda Still Issues in 2021

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland
Friday Rally for Peace and Justice

More infoFlyer
[Iraq 18 Years Later flyer]
Friday, March 19, 2021 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Iraq: Still Recovering 18 Years After The US Invasion

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland
Friday Rally for Peace and Justice

More infoFlyer Fact Sheet
Sunday, February 21, 2021, 12 noon-2:15 PM
Peace and Justice Works 29th Annual Meeting

Casual conversation 12-12:30, meeting 12:30-2:15
NOTE: This meeting will be held by conference call;
  please contact us for call info.
Satah Mirk January 2021 flyer] Tuesday, January 12, 2021 7:00 PM (PST)
Sarah Mirk Presents "Guantanamo Voices"

Streamed live on Youtube! See the presentation at https:/

More infoFlyerFacebook *
[Guantanamo 19 Years Later flyer]
Friday, January 8, 2021 4:30 - 6:00 PM
"No More Excuses: Shut Down Guantanamo!

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland
Expanded Friday Rally for Peace and Justice (note early start time)

More infoFlyer
[Gulf War 30 years later sign] Friday, January 15, 2021 5:00 PM
30 Years Too Long: US Out of Iraq!

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland
Weekly Friday Rally for Peace and Justice
Join us in marking 30 years since the beginning of the "Gulf War,"
George HW Bush's first war on Iraq that began Jan 16, 1991.
Please wear a face covering and keep a safe distance from others.
See historical information on protesting the wars in Iraq
at our 25 years later page from 2016.


[1000 weeks rally image]
Friday, December 25, 2020 5:00 PM
1000th Friday Rally for Peace and Jusstice

Rally and march
SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland

Join us for the 1000th weekly Friday Rally on Christmas Day 2020;
we'd especially like to see people who have been regulars
over the 19+ years of the rally-- "come all ye faithful."
PLEASE only attend if you feel safe physically,
please wear a face covering and keep a safe distance from others.
Watch the promotional video
[Three rallies fall 2020 flyer]
"US Out of Syria and Afghanistan!"
Three rallies for peace September-October 2020
Fridays Sept 25 & October 2 5:00 PM
"US Hands Off Syria's Oil" / "Get US Troops Out of Afghanistan"
Weekly Rally/March for Peace and Justice
Pioneer Courthouse Square / SW Yamhill & Broadway
Tuesday, Jaqnua 4:30-6:00 PM
"19 Years in Afghanistan: End the War!"
Expanded weekly "Stand for Peace"
East end of the Burnside Bridge @ Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
More infoFlyerFact Sheet

NOTE: Info on ongoing actions has been updated to reflect
  changes under the coronavirus pandemic.
PJW meetings are being held via conference call until
stay-at-home orders have been lifted.

War Dollars

See efforts of the war dollars home campaign
JULY-2014->: City Council War Dollars Home Campaign:
In late July 2014, numerous local peace and social justice groups
began petitioning Portland City Council to reaffirm its 2012 War Dollars Resolution
by passing a new Council Resolution calling for federal war dollars to be spent on local human needs.
To get involved sign the petition or contact PJW.

PJW contacts Congress about War on Yemen (January 2018-May 2018)
Read PJW's letter about the war and congressional responses
posted 6/1/18
[No Boots/ No Bombs flyer]
Dec 2015->: Download and post "No Boots/No Bombs" poster
This poster was created by the PJW Iraq Affinity Group to refute the calls for "boots on the ground" in Iraq and Syria, and to be clear that saying we don't want troops engaging in combat also means no drones or aircraft dropping bombs.
Download it, print it, and post it!

Take Action To Stop a New Endless War! (2/12/15)
End Authorizations for Use of Military Force!

Download a letter to send congress
In 2017 PJW celebrated its 25th anniversary!

Download our most recent Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet- October 8, 2021
20 Years Later, the Afghan War Isn't Really Over

Back to top

Statements and actions

Monday, May 2 2011
PJW STATEMENT: Bin Laden assassination
is not something to celebrate

Info on Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Action
"Iraq for Iraqis Now! U.S. Out /
Five Years of War and Occupation"

Day of action on the fifth anniversary of the invasion

More information   Images of our three 20-foot banners


See an image of the Message to the Iraqi People
low resolution-97KB / high resolution-3 MB
and short quicktime video

from the action held Monday, March 19, 2007 at Terry Schrunk Plaza
T-Shirts with the Message to the Iraqi People available for $14
White only, S, M, L, XL, XXL; send a check or money order with size or
contact PJW for more information

April-May, 2007: Peace and Justice Works and other organizations
worked on Statewide resolutions in Oregon calling for
the troops to come home and to fund human needs:

Check the Campaign to Bring Oregon's Troops Home page for news about
HJM 9 which passed the Oregon House on Tuesday, March 20, 2007, and
Senate Memorial 1 (SM1) which passed the Senate on May 1, 2007.
HJM 9 and the proposed resolution were based on the Portland City Council resolution
adoped unanimously on November 30, 2006.

Download a "Bring all the troops home now" sign to put in your window

Campaign to Bring Oregon's Troops Home - Includes Oregon State resolution info
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Fact Sheets

Our Most Recent Fact Sheet:

Fact Sheet- March 18, 2022
Remembering the Devastating US Invasion
of Iraq 19 Years Later

Other Fact Sheets:

Fact Sheet- January 7, 2022
20 Years Into the "War on Terror," It's Way Past Time to Close Guantanamo

Fact Sheet- October 8, 2021
20 Years Later, the Afghan War Isn't Really Over

Fact Sheet- March 19, 2021
Iraq: Still Recovering 18 Years After the US Invasion

Fact Sheet-September 25, 2020
US Out of Syria and Afghansitan!

Fact Sheet-March 16, 2018
Iraq 15 Years Later: Forever War?

Fact Sheet-September 23, 2017
Opposing America's Ongoing Wars

Click here for other PJW fact sheets

ARCHIVES: Click here for less-recent info on PJW

LINKS: Click here for contacts and references page

ONGOING ACTIONS: Ongoing peace actions in the greater Portland area

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About Peace and Justice Works

Peace and Justice Works [PJW], formerly known as Portland Peaceworks,
is an Oregon non- profit corporation whose main purpose is to educate the general public
on important issues including but not limited to: peace, justice, the environment, and human rights.

Organizationally, much of Peace and Justice Works' activities are conducted through Project Groups,
also known as affinity groups. Peace and Justice Works is primarily an umbrella organization
which disseminates information on the tragedy of military interventions and military spending,
builds coalitions among groups whose goals intersect with our own.
(We began as a chapter of the state-wide group Oregon PeaceWorks,
which ceased operations at the end of April, 2013.)
We participate in annual Hiroshima Day commemorations, and
various community activities with other peace and justice organizations.

PJW has helped organize and coordinate multiple major mobilizations for peace
since late 2002 with various other groups seeking to end (and prevent) the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Previously, one of our largest activities was the Peace and Justice Fair, held on
Memorial Day (1992- 1995, 1997, 1999) to remember those who gave their lives in war
by working toward a world without war. The community event involved
the neighborhood surrounding Irving Park as well as activists from all over the region,
musicians, food, children's activities and speakers. Literature from many
groups was distributed to make this an educational event as well as a celebration.

While Project Groups can (by our bylaws) be created or disbanded
from time to time, existing groups at this time are:
(i) Portland Copwatch
(ii) Iraq Affinity Group
(iii) Sarajevo Peace Centre/People's Aid to Former Yugoslavia.
(iv) Pentagon Porkbusters
(v) Portland SOA Watchers

Nothing stated above limits Peace and Justice Works to the project groups listed.
As circumstances develop, we will begin other projects. Our overall mission will remain
to educate the general public on issues including but not limited to peace, justice,
the environment and human rights.

*PJW does not endorse facebook
but recognizes its usefulness as an organizing tool

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On This Page
Current and upcoming events
Statements and Actions
Recent fact sheets
About PJW
Major moblizations 2002->

Peace and Justice Works
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065

Page last updated September 27, 2024 (redesigned July 1, 2012)


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