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23 Years of Guantanamo:
Close the "Detention Center" Now!
No More Forever Prisoners
Expanded Friday Rally and March
Friday, January 10, 2025
4:30-6:00 PM
Pioneer Courthouse Square,
SW Yamhill and Broadway

One day before the 23rd anniversary of the notorious prison's opening, people in Portland will gather for a rally and march calling to close down United States' Guantanamo Bay "detention center" in Cuba. Fifteen (15)* people remain there. Most of the active military aspects of the "war on terror" have subsided, and for years people have been cleared for release but remain incarcerated. Over 700 prisoners have been released, and like those cleared for release, were never charged with a crime. Around the world, Guantanamo is a symbol of the US' hypocrisy of telling others to respect human rights. In the name of the "war on terror," prisoners were subjected to torture and inhumane conditions.

Efforts to shut down Guantanamo have been hampered for years by Congress passing legislation to prohibit funds being used to do so, including transferring prisoners to the US where they might access proper legal processes. Instead, America spends hundreds of millions of dollars a year to maintain this site of injustice.

The Friday Rally for Peace and Justice has been held weekly since November, 2001. For the first 18.5 years it was coordinated by Portland Peaceful Response Coalition, and since March, 2020 by Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group. Normally the rally begins at 5 PM; this event begins at 4:30 to underscore its importance.

This event is coordinated by Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group and cosponsored by Amnesty International Group 48.

For more information or to cosponsor the event contact Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group: (503) 236-3065 or

Due to ongoing COVID concerns, we ask that participants mask up and stay distanced.

*- There were 30 people at Guantanamo when we created this event-- three were released in late December 2024, one in early January, and eleven more on January 7!

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Photos of event

(posted 1/11/25)





Fact Sheet (1/10/25)

Photos of event (posted 1/11/25)

Peace and Justice Works
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065

Page posted December 12, 2024, last updated January 11, 2025


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