In May, 2008, Oregon-based community groups began working on a new phase of the
Campaign to Bring the Troops Home--namely, trying to keep the Oregon National Guard from
being deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in summer, 2009.
For a summary of the campaign's efforts from May 2008 to June 2009, read the document "Guard Home Campaign Considers
Successes in 2009 session" released on June 23, 2009.
This includes urging resolutions and legislation which the state
of Oregon can use to challenge the federalization of the Guard. A Bill (
HB 2556) and Resolutions (
HR 4 and
SR 1) have been introduced into the Oregon Legislature as of February 4 (links to .pdf
versions below). Introduced by Representative Chip Shields of
in the House and Senator Vicki Walker of Eugene in the Senate, the measures are cosponsored by
total of 14 legislators (6 Senators and 8 Representatives). On March 11, a hearing was held in the
House Rules committee on HB 2556, HR 4, and HJM 5, a
to Congress (which in its original form does not completely relate to the Campaign's goals).
Contact your legislator to sign onto the
measures and press for commitee hearings and votes on the floor of both chambers!
As of June 8, 2009, there has not been a work session scheduled on the
measures, although
organizers believed there were enough votes to pass at least HB 2556, if it had been amended as proposed by Rep. Dennis Richardson (R-Central Point) and Rep.
NEW! A revised version of HJM 5 was
on June 2 as a substitute for HB 2556. Though it would not have the power of law, the
message to Congress would be the same: Our Guard should not be deployed abroad without a
enactment of Congress.
See the actions section for how you can urge the
Rules committee and the Speaker of the House to hold the wrok session and vote!
The main
issues are that the Authorizations for Use of Military
Force (AUMFs) for
the invasion of Iraq (October, 2002) and the "war on terror" (September
18, 2001) have no provisions to end those conflicts. Furthermore, the Iraq
AUMF refers to the "national security of the United States against the
continuing threat posed by Iraq; and (2) enforc[ing] all relevant United
Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq." It also references
the regime of Saddam Hussein being in possession of weapons of mass
destruction, harboring Al Quaida members responsible for the September 11,
2001 attacks, and enforcing UN resolutions against that regime, reasons
which were never or are no longer valid. Click to read a
draft resolution / piece of legislation
. NOTE: The deadline for petition gathering was December 15, 2008; thank you to all who
gathered signatures and all 7000+ Oregonians who signed!
The official launch event for
Campaign was held Wednesday January 21, 2009, starting at noon, when
were delivered
to the Speaker of the Oregon House, the President of the Oregon Senate,
and Governor Kulongoski, as well as all 90 members of the legislature.
The National Launch event
was also held Wednesday the 21st in Washington, DC, at 10:30 AM PST (1:30
Groups working on this effort include Peace and Justice Works Iraq
Affinity Group, Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom-Portland, War Resisters League-Portland, Center for Intercultural
Organizing, Community Alliance of Lane County, Portland Peaceful Response
Coalition, Code Pink Portland, Women in Black, Metanoia Peace
Community, Oregon Action, Portland Jobs with Justice, PCUN, Veterans for Peace (chapters in
Corvallis, Bandon and Grants Pass), Iraq Veterans Against the War-Oregon Chapter, and Military
Families Speak Out-Oregon. Click here for a full list of
supporting organizations and community leaders (56 groups, 4
individuals as of 2/14/09).
Efforts in 2008-09 include signature gathering, letter writing, educating elected officials
on the local, state and national level on the issue, public visibility, and more.
You can read our Frequently Asked Questions List for more
There is a national effort being coordinated out of the Liberty
Tree in Wisconsin called "Bring the Guard
Home! (it's the law)" which focuses on the 2002
AUMF for Iraq.
We are working in conjunction with them and have adopted the language they put forward as
templates for
legislation and resolutions were introduced in the legislatures of Vermont and New Jersey
in 2008. Because our efforts also include the 2001 AUMF and the troops in Afghanistan, we have
adopted different
language in our proposed resolution/legislation and for the overall Oregon campaign. As of
February, 2009, 22 states and Washington, DC are involved in the national effort, and eight
states including Oregon have introduced legislation.
More information, including a detailed FAQ, can be found on the
Cities for Progress website.
This effort follows Oregon's statewide resolutions from 2007, City Council Resolutions in
Corvallis, Portland and Eugene, and letters from 67 Oregon elected officials to Congress
(September, 2007) and 89 members of Congress (including two from Oregon) to the President
urging the troops be brought home. Click for a packet of these previous
Oregon resolutions and letters
On August 3, 2008, the Oregonian ran an article
about the upcoming deployment called "A Mission from Hell" in which Governor Ted
Kulongoski stated "Everybody is worried about the continual deployment of the Guard... I think
sometimes we're asking too
much of these kids and their families." Following this, 20 of the supporting organizations co-
a letter to the Governor explaining that the Guard
would not have to be deployed if the Legislature gives him the power to declare the Authorizations
for Use of Military Force invalid. (Several other organizations have signed onto the letter since it
was sent.) At least two letters to the editor
responding to the
article appeared in subsequent papers. For updates on media coverage of the Campaign visit our media section.
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The bill empowers the Governor to withhold the Guard lacking valid federal
Read HB 2556 • .html
• .pdf
HB 2556-1: proposed amendment (.pdf only)
The resolutions call on the Governor specifically to withhold Guard deployment to Iraq
Read House resolution: HR4 • .html •
Read Senate resolution: SR1 • .html •
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