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NEW! 1/11/19: Check out the fact sheet for this event!


For immediate release         January 10, 2019

"Close Guantanamo: Still America's Shame"

Visibility action, rally and march
Expanded PPRC Friday Rally for Peace and Justice
Friday, January 11, 2019
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

January 11, 2019 marks 17 years since the opening of the US prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Local human rights, peace and justice organizations are planning a visibility action, rally and march on Friday, January 11 to mark the occasion with the message "Close Guantanamo: Still America's Shame." The action is an expanded Portland Peaceful Response Friday Rally for peace and justice, taking place from 4:30 PM* to 6:00 PM at the corner of SW Yamhill and Broadway, Pioneer Courthouse Square. Cosponsoring the event are the Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group and Amnesty International Group 48.

The prison now holds just 40 people (from a height of nearly 800 at one point), and stands as a symbol of the United States' deteriorating respect for due process, human rights and the rule of law. In early 2018, President Trump reversed President Obama's policy directive that called to find a way to shut down Guantanamo. In July, 2018 the prison marked its 6000th day of operation. Local Portland groups join worldwide voices calling to Close Guantanamo Now!

For more information contact Peace and Justice Works at (503) 236-3065 (call or text) or

*- PPRC rallies usually start at 5 PM but this event will begin at 4:30.

Photos of the event by Joe Anybody New! 1/17/19
(click to enlarge)

Also see video of the event posted by Joe Anybody.



Fact Sheet




Peace and Justice Works
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065

Page posted November 16, 2018, last updated January 17, 2019


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