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For immediate release         July 21, 2017

Three rallies for peace August-October 2017

*Fridays, August 4, September 22 and October 6, 2017*
5:00 PM
Pioneer Courthouse Square, SW Yamhill and Broadway
PPRC Rally/March for Peace and Justice

Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group is co-sponsoring the three Portland Peaceful Response Coalition Friday Rallies between August and October 2017 with the overarching theme "Opposing America's Ongoing Wars." Each rally will take place at 5:00 PM at Pioneer Courthouse Square, SW Yamhill and Broadway, and includes a march. Details on the three events, to be held August 4, September 22 and October 6, are below.

Friday, August 4, 2017:
"US Out of Iraq- No Nukes- End Police Violence"

August 8 marks 3 years since the US' third Iraq War, which, with the "liberation" of Mosul, has seen more civilian casualties and a pledge to keep American troops there for a long time. August 6 marks 72 years since the bombing of Hiroshima, and August 9 marks both that anniversary for Nagasaki AND the third anniversary of the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO.

Friday, September 22, 2017:
"Stop the US War on Syria"

September 23 marks 3 years since the US launched its first bombing attacks in Syria, ostensibly against the Islamic State, but as shown by the Trump administration, as a means to fight against the Syrian government. After bombing a Syrian airfield in April and shooting down a Syrian plane in June, the US is esalating this war. The US has troops on the ground and makeshift airbases in a sovereign nation without their consent or a UN mandate.

Friday, October 6, 2017:
"End the Endless War on Afghanistan"

October 7 marks 16 years since the US invasion of Afghanistan in response to attacks by Al Qaeda, a non-state actor, on 9/11/2001. While President Obama withdrew most of the troops, President Trump is contemplating sending in thousands more, and fighting rages on. In the broader analysis, the US presence is driving much of the violence, so it is far beyond time to bring all the troops home now!

PJW also opposes future wars, including, in the context of the 64th anniversary of the armistice in Korea on July 27, ongoing US tensions with North Korea.

For more information or to endorse or otherwise support this event contact Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group at 503-236-3065 or A flyer for this event can be found at <>. Portland Peaceful Response Coalition Friday Rallies have occurred at 5 PM every Friday since November, 2001.


Fact Sheet



Peace and Justice Works
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065

Page posted July 21, 2017, last updated September 22, 2017


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