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"No More War Authorizations!" Says Portland Peaceful Response Coalition
at its 700th Continuous Weekly Friday Rally
Friday, February 20, 2015, 5:00 PM
Pioneer Courthouse Square, SW Yamhill and Broadway

While the U.S.-led war on ISIS (/ISIL/ the Islamic State) in Iraq and Syria continues unabated, President Obama has called on Congress for formal authorization, prompting Portlanders to organize an expanded Friday rally on February 20th saying "No More War Authorizations!" This week's rally is particularly significant as it marks the 700th continuous week that Portland Peaceful Response Coalition (PPRC) has led the event opposing war and promoting peace and justice.

Even though President Obama claims to have the ability to conduct warfare by drone, human piloted aircraft, and so-called "military advisors" on the ground, a specific request for an Authorization for Use of Military Force was revealed on February 10. Among other things, it has been noted that the new AUMF's restrictions on the use of ground troops is fairly meaningless, there is no geographic restriction meaning the war can be expanded anywhere, and there is no call to repeal the 2001 AUMF which the administration claims is the basis for the current bombing campaign.-1 That Authorization specifically talks about those who were involved in 9/11, and does not, despite the government's assistance, say anything about "associated forces."-2

"Here we are, 700 weeks later, supposedly at the end of the Afghan and Iraq wars, and Obama wants to formally declare another war," said Rob Ranta, a core member of PPRC. "I think it's high time that the American people's voice be heard: We're tired of endless war."

The PPRC Friday rally began on November 2, 2001, a few weeks after the US invasion of Afghanistan, and has continued since through rain, snow, heat, the FBI "holiday tree" sting, the drone wars expanding from Iraq and Afghanistan to Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Libya, several heavy-handed military operations by Israel in Palestine, the election of a Nobel Peace Prize winning President, and so much more. In the last year there's been media coverage of the Sandy-3 and Forest Grove-4 peace vigils, both of which have impressive track records but have less longevity than Portland's.

This special expanded Friday Rally is being co-sponsored by the Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group. For more information or to cosponsor the rally on the 20th contact the Iraq Affinity Group at iraq @ or at 503-236-3065. For more information on PPRC, visit

1-"Obama's party threatens alliance against 'carte blanche' power to wage Isis war," Guardian February 11, 2015, power-wage-isis-war
2-"60 Words," Radiolab, April 19, 2014,
3-"Antiwar vigil group changes schedule, but still committed," Sandy Post, February 4, 2015, but-still-committed
4-"The Nicest Protestors Around," Oregonlive, January 26, 2015, grove/index.ssf/2015/01/the_nicest_protesters_around_f.html




Peace and Justice Works
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065

Page posted February 15, 2015


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