The following people or organizations have endorsed the POPSG plan:

Bijou Cafe
Moreland Hardware
St. Francis Apartments
Hey Joe Used Records and Books
The Third Eye Shoppe
Where's the Art!!!? 24 Hour Church of Elvis
Corbett-Terwilliger Neighborhood Association
KBOO-FM Board of Directors
Portland Peaceworks

The following people or organizations have expressed support for
     key elements of the POPSG plan:

Metropolitan Human Rights Commission
American Civil Liberties Union (Oregon)
Buckman Neighborhood Association
Board of directors, Sunnyside Neighborhood Association
American Anti-Prohibition League

The following people or organizations have expressed support for
     stronger civilian review of Portland's Police:

Geoff Wren, Geoff Silver, National Lawyers Guild
T. J. Browning, Nathan McMurry Thomas Fund, Inc.
Avel Gordly, State Representative
Sandy Herman-Moose
Dr. Annette Jolin
Mark Kramer
Marcy & Ed Kirschbaum
Scott Pratt, attorney
George Fields, attorney
Ed Jones, Multnomah Defenders
Gene Lawhorn, Labor Coalition for Environmental Responsibility
Coalition for Human Dignity
Women's International League for
     Peace &Freedom (Portland Chapter)
Radical Women (Portland Chapter)
The Oregonian
(July, 1993)
KGW-TV (April, 1988)
The Skanner
The Portland Alliance
The Northwest Examiner
The Southeast Examiner
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Albina Ministerial Aliance
East Side Democratic Club
East Side Democratic Central Committee
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